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Welcome to our furry site! 😀

The traveling cats’ journey started in 2011 when Lucky, the mother of our furry babies, joined our home. She had the twins Aiko and Oue the same year, and she gave birth to the five, Cotton, Splash, Umeko, Dancer and Snoozie in March of the following year.

My name is V and my stories here will not just be about our furry babies, but about life in general. 

Here is a gallery of old photos of our furry eight… 

A few updates about the traveling cats and me:

  • New year’s eve 2014 – We lost little Dancer at our home in Bang Yai, Thailand. I went to Bangkok to meet with a cousin and decided to leave a window to the balcony open since they liked to play there. Big mistake. Little Dancer might have gotten chased off by one of the neighbor’s cats. I feel responsible and guilty over losing her, and regret leaving them alone that day. She was already acting grumpy towards her siblings perhaps due to the hernia surgery she had to experience in Siem Reap before the move. We looked for her for weeks, but to no avail. Hope and pray that she had found a loving home.
  • June 25, 2019 – We lost Mama Lucky in Königswiesen, Upper Austria due to a liver tumor.
  • 2018 – The catman and I have parted ways but stay friends. He remains in Austria with our six remaining furries.
  • October 2018 – I moved back to Vienna.
  • July 2020 – I moved to Sweden.
  • February 2021 – Mattias & I got married.
  • November 2023 – Twins Aiko and Oue turned 12.
  • March 2023 – Younger siblings Umeko, Snoozie, Splash, Cotton and Dancer (if she’s still alive somewhere in Bang Yai) turned 11 years old.
  • December 27, 2023 – Chiefy, my beloved dog in Thailand passed away. Here is the link to his story.

Thank you for visiting! 😀

The Traveling Cats

The Traveling Cats