The Traveling Cats
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Lucky Gives Birth To 5 More

On March 19, 2012, Lucky gave birth to five more. This time, it was Ronald who thought of finding new homes for the newbies. I felt sad though about the idea of giving them away after watching them roll out of their mother and seeing them grow a little bigger each day. If I hadn’t seen all that, there won’t be any kind of connection and I wouldn’t mind. So we agreed to keep them and named them Umeko, Cotton, Snoozie, Splash, and Dancer.


We had no idea when Lucky was due to give birth so we had accepted an invitation to a wedding and made prior arrangements to travel northbound to my hometown some eight to ten hours away from Manila that week. We did not wish to cancel the trip so I tried my luck with one of the neighbors to see if he would agreed to care for our cats in our absence.

The evening before the trip, our neighbor who just got back from work came over so we could show him around and talk about what he had to do. As soon as he walked through the door, eight furry creatures of various sizes run amok in all directions. It was a bewildering sight for the visitor. More so that he was not anymore sure about taking over the tasks for the cats after that.

So the next morning, we prepped the furries for a long trip to the highlands come evening. Ronald and I took turns rushing to the market to buy appropriate baskets, cages, and other needed stuff.

This was the cats’ first long journey out of the house with us and the first of many travels they were to embark on. With eight cats in the van, a quiet night trip was not to be expected. They cried most of the duration of the trip until our arrival in Kiangan, Ifugao. It was not at all different on the way back to Imus. 🙂

Vivien Nyström

Born in 1979 in her hometown of Kiangan, Ifugao in the Philippines, Vi has moved homes too many times. Since 2020 before Austria's first lockdown during the pandemic, she moved to Sweden. She is still in Sweden today.

The Traveling Cats