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Tag: Filipino cats abroad

Last Photos of Dancer

Missing since December 31, 2014 or January 1, 2015

Last few photos taken of our beautiful dearest Dancer…

Our little Dancer went missing either on December 31, 2014 after I left in the afternoon or the following day January 1, 2015 while I was away in Bangkok to spend New Year’s Day with a cousin. I came back home on the 2nd but Dancer was not home (in our bedroom all to herself) where I left her. More than two weeks had gone by without a sign of her. We’ve gone around the blocks for days calling out her name, yet no familiar sounds. We hope to get her back somehow soon.


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Mr. Catman Visits Cat Home

Ronald the Catman is home: November 29 – December 2, 2014, Nonthaburi, Thailand

Eight cats were overjoyed to see the Catman come door last night. It has been three months since my husband’s last visit, but the furries no doubt remembered him very well just like the last time he was around. They did not flee at the sound of a voice different from mine when he did a roll call as soon as he stepped inside the house.

Aiko approached him every evening for their drinking ritual as you can see in one of the photos below.

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The Traveling Cats

The Traveling Cats