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Catman Meets Cat

I am guessing Ronald met his first Filipino cat within a week of his return to the Philippines in July 2011.


Sometime in August, he started talking about keeping her which meant keeping her for good. Back then, we were constantly making plans to move somewhere more quiet yet not too far from a city in order to have fast internet connection for Ronald’s web-related work.

November 2011. Mama Lucky
Lucky in November 2011 – after giving birth to twins
August 2011 – Dreamy-eyed catman just got himself a pussy cat

In the beginning, lovely as she was and still is, I did not agree to keeping the kitty. I recalled and recounted how I almost got expelled from university after failing to attend classes for days while excessively mourning the loss of Cyan, a beautiful white cat with blue eyes given to me by my friend Gene on our final year in college. She had saved the kitten from a miserable street life, but unfortunately couldn’t keep it because of medical reasons. In the couple of weeks I had the cat, I had gotten so attached that I was totally devastated at her passing.

Since then, I vowed never to keep any pets again to avoid any future heartbreak due fragility and generally shorter lifespan.

Below are photographs taken in August 2011.


As it turned out, my soft-hearted kind husband fought to keep the cat. He pointed out that the poor thing had a big bald patch on her back like the fur got scraped off from living under a car or somethin. With the existence of this cat website, obviously I gave in. So catman won the debate and the furry beauty was given a place in the house. We chose Lucky out of all the names we came up with. Over time, she had gotten accustomed to her name and often responds with a meow when called. 🙂

We think she was about a year old when we took her in.

Vivien Nyström

Born in 1979 in her hometown of Kiangan, Ifugao in the Philippines, Vi has moved homes too many times. Since 2020 before Austria's first lockdown during the pandemic, she moved to Sweden. She is still in Sweden today.

The Traveling Cats

The Traveling Cats